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Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action. ~W.J. Cameron November 27, 2008

Posted by G in truth.

Happy Thanksgiving… I am not sure what the day will look like for time. I have lots of friends coming my way… so I am just going to say that I hope you all have an amazing blessed day!!

If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “thank you,” that would suffice. ~Meister Eckhart November 26, 2008

Posted by G in random stuff.
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I love childhood memories

“But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.” November 25, 2008

Posted by G in mindless ramblings.

okay… quick update… I am a wee bit tired…

I had the second interview today. Again, I think it went really well… but honestly it seems like they are trying to talk me out of wanting the job. I do understand where they are coming from. They have not had much success keeping someone in the position. From what they’ve told me, it can be pretty intense. Honestly, I have no fear about it. They asked me what most would intimidate me in the job. My answer was not that I would really be intimidated, but starting any new job can make anyone feel a bit intimidated. When you take a position, you want to go in and learn it as quickly as possible. You want to be successful and please those that you are working for. So all in all… I am up for the challenge!!!!!!!!!!!!! (those are for you jackie)

I am told that they want to make a decision as soon as possible. It appears that they have one more person with a second interview, and the hiring manager is out until December 2nd… so… maybe… just maybe the decision will be made on my birthday… hummm… we will see… :]

oh love, I’ve always known you… November 24, 2008

Posted by G in from the heart.

well… I haven’t, but God has and that’s the cool part!

It's a girl!!!

It’s a girl and in five months I will meet her. I am a real auntie… of course my friend’s kids call me Auntie G , it’s been that way since my boy Austin was born, but come April I will meet her and it’s for real, for real!! Her name is Arelia Elise… Arelia is Craig’s grandmother’s name and Sophie picked out Elise.

Sophie has been through some pretty tough times and it’s really cool for me to see how excited she is and it’s really awesome to know that she wants to share her excitement with me. Out of the 14 pics she emailed me… this is my favorite: :]


“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” ~Psalm 139:13

pet peeves November 23, 2008

Posted by G in pet peeves.

I have a combination of Bumbalayla & Bayette running through my head… for those that are not aware, they are two songs that we learned in Namibia. Normally I wouldn’t be so annoyed by a song getting stuck in my head, but since it’s two… simultaneously… getting all jumbled together… grrrr….

I suppose I should use the same method to get the songs out of my head that the person who originally got them stuck in my head would advise me… Mike is always there to help… 8| no, no… seriously… he can be oh so helpful…

my day in pictures November 22, 2008

Posted by G in day in pictures.

well… this is actually yesterday…

friday in pictures

I am making this a regular thing. The task is to pick 16 words that described my day and then go here to create a mosaic. What did you do today??

1. weird dreams, 2. time to wake up, 3. routine, 4. I heart coffee, 5. frosty, 6. sunglass day, 7. job #2, 8. lunch, 9. sweet find, 10. surprise, 11. escape!, 12. I got a call back!, 13. cheap gas, 14. dinner, 15. conversation, 16. night night!

“Where could we get enough bread in this remote place to feed such a crowd?” November 21, 2008

Posted by G in Namibia.
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The first few days were really rough… especially for Nate. The poor guy could just barely get out of bed. Jesse wasn’t as bad… although there were a couple days that were quite rough. A big part of my responsibilities were to cook for the team (which you know I LOVE to do). My stove was a propane bottle with a burner on top and the utensils were limited, but I figured out pretty quickly how to cook for 10-16+ people with one pot. I really enjoyed the challenge.

buddy & juliaSunday we went to Buddy & Julia’s church at the Apex Centre. It was great to finally meet a couple that I had only heard about. In the evening they came back to the plot for dinner. As we sat around the fire they told us about their weddings (yes, I said weddings) and talked about what it was like to be married to someone that has a completely different cultural background. We ended the night with a hardcore game of Apples to Apples Namibian style.  

Jesse talked a bit around the fire about what the next day looked like. In the morning half the team was going to paint the big hall across from the kitchen area and half would go to the soup kitchen. The afternoon would be divided with the soup kitchen, after school bible study at the high school and a visit to the Ark (a children’s home in town). Monday morning Jesse & I had a conversation about how we should divvy up the team for the different projects. I assured Jesse that I am up for whatever he needs. Jesse asked me to take the team to the soup kitchen and I was excited to have the opportunity to go there since I had never been before.

At the soup kitchen they provide two meals a day for approximately 400 children. The morning meal is a sandwich consisting of bread, butter & jam or butter & peanut butter. The afternoon meal is a hot meal and varied everyday and consisted of meat and a starch (potatoes, meali-pap, noodles or rice).

From what I learned from Joan Morsbach, this was the first project that she had seen that was actually WORKING. It started out with about 60 kids and quickly grew. When the children first come into the program they are examined by a doctor. If after 10 days they are not thriving, the doctor will test further to discover why. The people that give their hearts to the soup kitchen are an amazing bunch and I can not wait to tell you more about them.

To be continued…

“I was thinking… over thinking” November 20, 2008

Posted by G in Namibia.

shadowI’ve been struggling for the past three months trying to decide what to write in order to share my trip. It’s been quite difficult to express the way that I have been feeling this time around. I’ve been to Namibia seven times, I know what to expect… I am aware of the poverty… I am aware of the living conditions… I know and love many of the people. I am no longer shocked by what I see, yet each time my heart breaks a little bit more and more. There is always somethings that make me want to burst at the seems… bolt for the door and bawl.

The coolest part about this trip was how clear I was that God had called me to go. Even when things seemed dicey & I entertained the possibility of me not going… I knew better. People generously gave and prayed for me to be on this journey and those prayers were indeed felt. All the money I suddenly needed to raise for the trip came in AND some of you do not realize that Nate & I were charged an additional $350 EACH for our tickets… we were not informed this until just before we left. God supplied that money too. I am so greatful for each and everyone of you. No matter which part you played whether financially and/or praying, you were an intricate part of our journey.

My mind set this time around was completely different than the past. I had no agenda… none. In the past as much as I tried to go without one, I always had something in the back of my mind. This time was different. I wanted to focus and do anything that I was needed to do. I was excited about my small team, we were an ecclectic bunch and the majority had never been before. We had two strong leaders with completely different personalities, there were four teens and three ladies (including myself). We had no idea what we were to do before we arrived. Rumor had it that there may be some painting and work on the property. We may go into the preschools or whatever else was needed.

The first couple of days before the other teams went their separate ways were a little rough for our team. Both leaders, Nate and Jesse, were sick and the rest of the team felt like outsiders compared to the other groups. The coolest part about the first full day was that the kids and Jan had a full afternoon to hang out and get to know one another. It was so awesome for me to see their interactions… and every moment my love for the team grew more and more. Within a couple days the larger group left and we all began to live as one.

To be continued…

“I need to catch my breath, I need to” November 19, 2008

Posted by G in mindless ramblings.

well… we are coming into the holidays… three of the major ones… thanksgiving… my birthday… christmas… ;]  They have really been tough for me over the past few years. life isn’t the same without a family. Sure, people invite me over… but I still feel like an outsider. It’s not my family and in all honesty, I am not sure how to change the way I feel. The first thanksgiving that I’ve enjoyed in the past 4 1/2 years was the year that mike & I hosted for those that didn’t have plans or family. This year KP & I decided that we are going to do the same thing. So, if you know anyone that is needing or wanting a place to go… please let me know. The plan is for a yummy dinner and some gameage afterwards! Now… I am looking forward to next Thursday!!

waiting game… November 18, 2008

Posted by G in mindless ramblings.

this post is brought to you by the letter “z”… zzzzzzzzzzzzzz… I am way tired, so I am coping out & just giving a quick update

The interview went great. If anything he thought I was over qualified, but I tried to reassure him that I would enjoy the job. He talked… I answered… I was sarcastic… we laughed.  He mentioned that he already interviewed one and had two more set up. He mentioned the possibility of a second interview with his boss. I asked a time frame for a decision to be made. He said by the second week in December. He also talked about every day without someone in the position was extremely hard. Lunch with L&S was really fun too. I would really love working in the same building as them. So, now I wait and see if I will get a call back.