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Ahhh… Autumn… September 12, 2007

Posted by G in mindless ramblings, random stuff.

It’s autumn… well…. almost, it feels like it today.  It’s funny to me how autumn seems to be considered the death of things, but it always seems to become the beginning… school starts, youth group starts, things busy up here at CCA, routine sets in.  I always think it’s an exciting time.

I am extremely excited that youth group is starting up.  Before we started the evening Mike asked me which group I would prefer… junior high or senior high, I let him know that either works for me.  He set myself & Amanda with the junior high girls and I was really excited to get to know more about them.  I know all the senior high girls (and it was quite a selfish happy moment for me to hear them moan when they realized that if I was with the junior high girls I couldn’t be with them)  I love how they love me unconditionally… it’s a way that God shows me His love for me.  Anyway, it was such a pleasure to be with these young girls & see how open they were to telling us about their lives.  I am also glad to be sharing this time with Amanda… it’s nice to have her back around.  I am also glad that we are going to be discussing different bible stories this year & bringing them to the reality light…  it should be fun times…

So, yea… basically I am just rambling off right now… it’s been a while so I figured I should write something… nothing much to say (well, lots that I keep thinking I want to say, but finding the words to say it or remembering what the things that I’ve been thinking about saying when I actually take the time to sit down & write… those are my issues… I suppose I should write things down when I think about it…  man, that’s just crazy talk…)