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Every War Has An End! May 1, 2007

Posted by G in from the heart.

I had a pretty amazing weekend.  I trekked down to Croton-on-Hudson, NY to participate in the DisplaceMe event sponsored by Invisible Children.  If you are not aware, Invisible Children is an organization that is focused on raising awareness of (and ending) the war in Northern Uganda between the government and the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA).  This war is the longest running in Africa and has been going on for 21 years.  During this time the LRA has been going into the villages to steal children so that they can train the boys as child soldiers in order to fight in the revolution and the girls are kept as sex slaves for the officers.  10 years ago, the goverment forced the Acholi people out of their homes and land and made them move into Displacement Camps.  The people were informed that this was for their benefit & protection from the LRA. 

The point of this weekend was to have people experience a small part of what it’s like to live in a displacement camp, to listen to stories from people living there and to encourage the participants to write letters to their Senators and the President of Uganda.  We were asked to bring a 1.5 liter bottle of water, a package of saltine crackers (to be turned in at the door for later distribution), a sleeping bag and enough cardboard to make a small tent. 

We (ummm… I mean…:-) Mike) built an amazing house…

Front of the Homestead, what a view!

The patio!!!

We met some cool people, saw Alana & Brent again (IC volunteers that came to CCA), heard testimonies and learned about the Ugandan culture. 

Traditional Acholi dance

Over all my heart continues to break for the people of Africa and I continue to be molded into the person that God desires me to be…  I continue to realize how much junk we think we need to live & the reality of all that we truly need… to focus on who God is and what He has for my life… and I am learning to love all people… and I am really starting to like it.  It’s amazing how my heart is changed when I keep focusing on Jesus and off of my selfish desires…