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get out of blogging free card… November 29, 2008

Posted by G in random stuff.

JUST IN CASE I don’t get back in time… I am blogging a post about nothing in honor of my favorite comedian…

does anyone feel like this today???

The time has come… November 28, 2008

Posted by G in random stuff.

Just looked at the time… crap almost missed today… it’s 11:30pm…

Thanksgiving was a completely blessed day… Kristen & I cooked a dinner that could feed fifty (we weren’t sure of all that were coming). We had 11 guests join us and I was so happy to share the day with each one of them. I have been truely blessed with some amazing friends…

Today was a relaxing day… it’s almost like I am on vacation. KP & I are staying at the Deu’s while they are away. Tonight we sit by the fire listening to some music, fun times…

and finally… it’s the most wonderful time of the year… I have been waiting over a month to share this:

Merry Christmas… let the season begin… :]

If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “thank you,” that would suffice. ~Meister Eckhart November 26, 2008

Posted by G in random stuff.
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I love childhood memories

well… tomorrow is the day November 17, 2008

Posted by G in prayer, random stuff.

a real job interview. with a real company. man.

I haven’t done this in 9 years. The answer is no, I am not nervous. There is nothing to be nervous about. You go in, shake hands, look them in the eye. The interviewer asks a question, I answer… other than that… I keep my mouth shut. Do not say anything that need not be said. Do not answer questions that were not asked. Simple.

And seriously… if this is the job for me… I will get it… If not… something more spectacular lies ahead.

“Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue.” ~Proverbs 17:28

really??? half way??? November 15, 2008

Posted by G in random stuff.

I was thinking today that I have really enjoyed posting everyday… and then a few hours later I come here and think “ummm… what the heck was I thinking???” It’s definitely cool that I’ve made it 15 days and always under the stroke of midnight wire.

Today we had a church-wide yard sale/bake sale… it was a HUGE success!! An over $2800 HUGE success!! Praise God for that one! Of course you can figure out what section of the sale I manned along with KP & Sally. ;]  We had 2 full tables of baked goods donated by various families.  Of course I didn’t decide until 9pm last night what I was going to make.  Once I saw what everyone else brought I totally wanted to make something different… I made mini pumpkin pies, cranberry cheesecakes & apple tarts and I am sure that if I made more than 40 we still would’ve sold them all.  The coolest part is that I have never made any of them and from what I heard they were all delicious.  I really think that I am going to make them more often.  I also have a prospect for catering a christmas party, repeat customer… I really enjoyed preparing for their party last year.

On another note… I had a phone interview for the job at Lisa & Sonciary’s company.  The questions were basic and the HR rep stated that my resume was exactly what they were looking for.  So, the official interview with the hiring manager is next Tuesday, I am pretty excited for it.  Corporate world would be a huge change, but it’s not something that I am unfamiliar with.  And in the eight years since I’ve been there, I am a totally different person… that possibility brings even more excitement to my mind. Little by little more and more of the plan is revealed. I can not wait to see what happens next!!

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  ~Jeremiah 29:11

grasping at straws… November 14, 2008

Posted by G in random stuff.
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So, I am totally stealing this from my friend Topsurf, who stole it from someone else…

1. What do you add to your coffee? Cream
2. What are you reading now? The Shack by William P. Young… seriously Topsurf… ME TOO!!!
3. Do you own a gun? No, but I inherited a bee-bee gun & rifle from my mom, umm… so okay… yea…
4. Are you registered to vote? Yup… of course…
5. What do you think of Hot Dogs? I think of a road trip to texas that some friends & I took… we cooked hot dogs and mac & cheese while camping. The hot dogs expanded & got ginormous!!! yes… everything is bigger in Texas.
6. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Nope…
7. Favorite Christmas Song? ooh! ummm… Relient K “Celebrate the Day”, Dave Matthews “Christmas Song”
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Coffee or Water…
9. Can you do push ups? Yup…
10. What was the name of your first boyfriend? Mark
11. What’s your favorite piece of jewelry? My Dad’s Wedding Ring…
12. Favorite Hobby? Cooking/Baking… Reading…
13. Do you work with people who idolize you? Ummm… nope… I would need to restore them gently…
14. Do you have ADD? Nope… oooh shiny….
15. What’s one trait that you hate about yourself? I need to remember when to keep my mouth shut…
16. What’s your middle name? Denice
17. Name three things you bought yesterday? Nothing…
18. Name three thoughts you had just now. What did I buy yesterday?? Did I go to a store?? Oh yea, I went to Wal-mart to send Sophie $$…
19. Name 3 beverages you regularly drink. Coffee, Water, Diet Pepsi
20. Current worry right now? Worry?? Don’t worry be happy… concern?? selling the estate…
21. Favorite place to be? Namibia
22. How did you bring in the New Year? Party with friends…
23. Where would you like to go? I have a list…
24. What color shirt do you have on? Brown long sleeve with a blue short sleeve over it…
25. Can you whistle? Most Definitely, but I can’t do the cool loud one with my fingers that my mom used to do… :[

“Well, I will not grow up. You cannot make me!” November 13, 2008

Posted by G in random stuff.
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The decision has been made. I have started to apply for “real” jobs… ones with set hours… ugh… set hours. It’s been five years now where I’ve been pretty much making my own schedule and I’ve enjoyed it so. The time has come where I think I need to work for “the man”… that is since The Man has told me it’s time to move on. So, yesterday I sucked it up and saw a job on Monster that was exactly what I did (and loved) at a previous company… and then a few hours later Lisa sent me a posting for where she works. It looked like something that I’d enjoy, so I emailed her my resume and she sent an email today saying that I would be contacted in the next couple days by HR. I have no big expectations… except that God’s got His plan and that is what’s best. The things that make having a “real” enticing to me: 1. bigger paycheck 2. when I leave the job… I leave the job… that my friend would be a HUGE blessing. We will see what’s in store. I am excited to see what the next month brings.

no way… really?? November 11, 2008

Posted by G in random stuff.

My AwardWell… I’ve received an award… for blogging.  No really, I am serious… and not by someone who’s obligated because I see them all the time.  I would like to thank Craig for giving me this beautiful award.  I would also like to thank him for making day 11 an easy post! ;]

There are a few stipulations to this beautiful prize you see at the left.

Part of accepting this award is:

  • Displaying the award.
  • Linking back to the person who gave it to you.
  • Paying it forward & nominating 7 blogs.
  • Leaving comments on their blogs telling them they’ve received one.
  • Enjoying the award.

So… now I must choose seven people to receive this award… this is tough… and I am putting them in alphabetical order as to not let you be aware of my most favorites.  I am also choosing friends because in all reality, their blogs are the ones that I check most regularly…

Tara Leigh

As for some… I WOULD LOVE to have picked a few more of you, but some haven’t updated in forever and another said that he can not wait to get home so that he can stop blogging.  But it is true… I love all of your blogs too!!!

RTFM November 7, 2008

Posted by G in random stuff.
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I don’t know what tonight is going to look like with the banquet & then heading to hear the boys play after that, so I figure I’ll get something up quickly…

I have been running around like a crazy woman, but I think we are golden.  Gaby dropped off the chocolate fountain & I couldn’t remember how much chocolate we needed, I was pretty sure that it was five pounds.  I was delegating the chocolate purchasing and discovered that the instructions were missing =| which means I don’t know chocolate to oil ratio either… grrr… but the good news is: google… I googled “chocolate fountain instructions” and found the manual for another fountain & it confirmed what I thought.  The cooler news… it gave me a handy dandy trick about melting the chocolate in a plastic bag instead of a bowl.  This my friend is AMAZING…

awe man… oops! November 4, 2008

Posted by G in random stuff.

I totally almost forgot…

Well, it appears it’s over… and the best news… the signs war is officially over!! woo-hoo!!

I got an IM from a youth group grad today asking me who I voted for… I told him that it was probably the opposite of who he voted for. I also told him not to tell Matt ;]  He then proceeded to ask me why I made the choice I did. And I do tell you that it was an extremely difficult decision for me.  I have never had this difficult a time deciding who I would choose for president. One of the biggest things that turned me off about Obama was the fact that he said that his pastor was his mentor & friend for years & then the moment he got bad press he disassociated from him… he was friends for 25 years… of course he knew what his pastor thought… I’ve known pd for 8 years & I know exactly what he’s thinking (sometimes I REALLY don’t want to know what he’s thinking ;] ) and often he says somethings I don’t like, but I would never disassociate myself from him.  I would’ve respected him more if he said that they have a difference of opinion and he doesn’t subscribe to the same beliefs.  He totally trashed the friendship for the sake of politics. To me, that makes me completely not trust him.

Then the conversation continued on to ask me if I thought that Obama was the antichrist because someone had come into his work and said that to him. I think too many people try too  hard to figure all this stuff out.  I gave him the only answer that I could… I think God’s got it under control & the good news is that the good guys win in the end… he may have some of the charateristics that are stated in the bible but we are not to know when the end times are going to occur so I don’t worry about it. We are in a fallen world… things will just go into decline… they are not going to get better… no one is going to turn things around… especially in the next four years. 

So… let’s continue to live life day by day… back in the New Testament the disciples always said that we are living in the end times… so be it.

“Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers, not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by some prophecy, report or letter supposed to have come from us, saying that the day of the Lord has already come.” ~2 Thessalonians 2:1-2