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my day in pictures December 1, 2008

Posted by G in day in pictures.

A view of Saturday…


The task is to pick 16 words that described my day and then go here to create a mosaic. What did you do today??

1. sleep, 2. shower, 3. coffee, 4. tree decorating, 5. turkey soup, 6. a trip to the gate city, 7. mmmm… beer, 8. candlelight stroll, 9. long time no see, 10. tree lighting, 11. ice sculptures, 12. evil john, 13. conversation with dr brian, 14. dinner, 15. sitting by the fire place, 16. sweet dreams

my day in pictures November 22, 2008

Posted by G in day in pictures.

well… this is actually yesterday…

friday in pictures

I am making this a regular thing. The task is to pick 16 words that described my day and then go here to create a mosaic. What did you do today??

1. weird dreams, 2. time to wake up, 3. routine, 4. I heart coffee, 5. frosty, 6. sunglass day, 7. job #2, 8. lunch, 9. sweet find, 10. surprise, 11. escape!, 12. I got a call back!, 13. cheap gas, 14. dinner, 15. conversation, 16. night night!

my day in pictures… November 12, 2008

Posted by G in day in pictures.


Today’s task was to pick 16 words that described my day and then go here to create a mosaic.  What did you do today??

1. Dream, 2. Wake Up, 3. Pray, 4. Cereal, 5. Try to get paperwork signed, 6. Drive, 7. Work, 8. Thank Yous, 9. Send out Resume, 10. Friends, 11. Baby Talk, 12. Pizza, 13. Politics, 14. Full Moon, 15. Conversations, 16. Time for Sleep!